YellowEdit wraps the text following the page width set in the Page Setup dialog, also it saves your Page Setup setting inside the document preferences.
Warning: the printer feature of YellowEdit has some incompatibility with drivers for HP printers. Troubles (freezing) happen with "DW Series 6.0.4" (thanks to Tony Wight) and with the driver, version 2.0, of my old DW 550C. These drivers, simply, doesn't accept "Print Data" read from document preferences. Why? This is just a my lack, but I can't get the meaning. I don't know whether other HP drivers have the same problem. I hope to solve this trouble soon, anyhow, if you are using an HP driver, please, don't use "Page Setup╔" and "Print╔" options. All other drivers I have works good.
Note: YellowView have no problem with HP drivers.
You may view and retrieve your bookmarks (on YellowEdit windows) by option-click in the drag area of windows.
Note: to set a bookmark YellowEdit uses a special character. Usually it's invisible but if, after setting a bookmark, you see a garbage character, you may use a trick to hide it: select first the character then increase or decrease its size until it disappears. If this doesn't works then set the size of character to 9 and its font to geneva.
You can directly open not-text files, but YellowEdit keeps no track of the original, therefore embeds theirs contents (as object) within an Untitled window, allowing you to add text or what you want.
YellowEdit saves always by using its own format. YellowEdit saves embedded objects by using a 'SOUP' resource. Many WASTE based applications use this kind of resource, so you can read a YellowEdit document and view its embed object, also by using these applications (and vice-versa).
For using QuickTime, QuickDraw3D and sound objects you should double-click on theirs icons-images, to exit from QuickTime/QuickDraw3D execution you should click outside theirs areas.
You must remember that YellowEdit don't save inside the 'SOUP'resource a whole QuickTime movie but its alias only consequently, distributing a file containing a movie, you must distribute the original movie also.
QuickTime is essential to read 'JPEG'-'JFIF' . If you've QuickTime 2.5 or better, you can use its built-in conversion ability to read other kinds of image files.
Reading a SimpleText file containig pictures or sounds, YellowEdit displays pictures and sounds as embedded objects so, when it saves the file, pictures are copied into the 'SOUP' resource consequently SimpleText can't more view them.
YellowEdit can't directly read Style's document even if Style is WASTE based just like YellowEdit, anyway you may drag TEXT and objects between Style and YellowEdit windows (Style is a powerful TextEditor by Marco Piovanelli).
Many applications supports AppleScript and have a Script Menu. This is a very good way, but have some limitation:
1) Users. In fact very few "normal" people use Script features or else use only few Script features.
2) Script features are determined by the authors. In fact Script Menus contain, in most cases, only scripts made by the authors of the application.
YellowEdit is minimally scriptable, use the Script Editor to view its, little, dictionary. But YellowEdit uses Extensions to increase its abilities. This way is more powerful since YellowEdit simply call the extension conveying it all data needful. The extension, or better the author of the extension, can make what it desires, can add features that the author of the application isn't able to build or run ScreenSavers or send data to the WEB and so on.
A couple of exensions example accompany the package.
Note: if you're running on a PPC Macintosh you can use both 68K or PPC extension kind. If you're running on a 68K Macintosh you can use only 68K extensions.
The "Yellow Extension Toolkit" is included inside YellowEdit package. The project example is for CodeWarrior Pro 3. Inside its sources you may find some explaining notes.
The data structure YellowEdit exchanges with extensions is the following:
However an extensions may ignore any field and just performs some its own job or else can be designed to cooperate with applications different than YellowEdit! Maybe I will add support for Yellow Extensions to some other application of mine, maybe you want support Yellow Extensions inside one application of your╔ the "Yellow Extensions Toolkit" doesn't contain the header for calling the extensions, if you want to add support for YellowExtensions, to your applications, see the YellowEdit Web page ( to get the header file.
Inside the External Tag creation dialog, there're two most relevant field: Begginnig and Ending. When you call the external the contents of this field will be put respectively at the start and at the end of selection.
External application feature doesn't need explanation, I think.
Yellowsoft folder.
You should put Extensions inside the folder "Yellow Extensions". Externals go inside the folder "Yellow Externals". Both folders are into "Yellowsoft" folder into "Preferences". YellowEdit creates these folders for you the first time you use menus.
Floating windows.
YellowEdit betrays its origin as private application because of one unbelievable lack: floating windows! If you want to use it for HTML programming you should memorize the keystrokes (presents only under Appearance╔) or else you should go, each time, to menu bar!
Maybe I will correct this lack but╔there's one astounding Control Panel by Marc Moini (<> <> ) that just may create the lacking floating windows for you! It allows you to create these windows simply dragging existents menus, also it may build custom ones. You may create the floating windows, on the fly, and close them when you want, or else you may create them one time and let Custom Menus the opens them when you start YellowEdit. Custom Menus is very useful and beautiful. I suggest you to use it as companion of all applications of your Macintosh.
Here are some YellowEdit shortcuts:
≡ YellowEdit supports forward delete, home, end, page up, page down and cursor keys.
≡ If you close a window Holding down Option key () YellowEdit closes all open windows.
≡ By holding down the Shift key () you can extend the selection.
≡ Option-drag do not move the selection but copies it.
≡ You can select a word by a double-click on it.
≡ You can select a range of words by by a double-click on a word then dragging the mouse, or by double-click on a word followed by a Shift-click on the end of the words range.
≡ You can select a line by a triple-click on it.
≡ You can select a range of lines by by a triple-click on a a line then dragging the mouse, or by triple-click on a line followed by a Shift-click on the end of the lenes range.
≡ YellowEdit window support Command()-click on theirs titles, just like Finder's windows.
≡ YellowEdit supports Internet Config, so you can launch URLs or send e-mail simply by Command-click on URL's name.
≡ Command+up arrow move the cursor at the start of text.
≡ Command+down arrow move the cursor at the end of text.
≡ Command+left arrow move the cursor at the start of line.
≡ Command+right arrow move the cursor at the end of line.
≡ Command +Shift+up arrow select the text from the end of current selection to the start of text.
≡ Command +Shift+down arrow select the text from the start of current selection to the end of text.
≡ Command +Shift+ left arrow select the text from the end of current selection to the start of line.
≡ Command +Shift+right arrow select the text from the start of current selection to the end of line.
≡ Option+Shift+up arrow select the text from the end of current selection up by the window's height.
≡ Option+Shift+dow arrow select the text from the start of current selection down by the window's height.
≡ Option+left arrow move the cursor at the start of a word.
≡ Option+right arrow move the cursor at the end of a word.
≡ Option+up arrow move the cursor up at the window start.
≡ Option+down arrow the cursor down at the window end.
≡ Option+Shift+left/right arrows extends the selection one word at a time.
≡ You can stop many actions by using escape key or command-period.
If'you're running under Appearance you have more menu shortcuts, under 7.x.x, instead, menu shortcuts are fewer.